About Me
I am a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at the National University of Rio Cuarto, where I am part of the Software Engineering and Formal Methods Group. I have been honored with a PhD CONICET fellowship to support my research under the supervision of Dr. Nazareno Aguirre and Dr. Pablo Ponzio.
My research interests are centered around Software Engineering, specifically in the area of automatic test generation.
One of my major contributions in this field is the development of BEAPI, an approach that enables bounded exhaustive input generation without the need for a precise specification of valid inputs (known as repOK). BEAPI leverages routines from the API of the software under test to generate inputs and employs pruning techniques to discard invalid test sequences. This approach is scalable and competitive with existing BEG methods while also assisting users in identifying flaws in repOKs, which can be challenging and time-consuming to write. Through my research, I aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of automatic test generation, ultimately leading to higher quality software.
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